Triple Bottom Line and Truly Balanced Lifestyle
A Mexican Coastal Resort Community That Honors People, Planet and Profit
Change is often hard but, in so many cases, not changing proves to be much tougher in the long run. It can be all too easy to hide our heads in the sand when there’s a chance new ideas might compromise our convenience. When done right, however, innovation can open doors to unexpected possibilities, without compromising convenience. Take the common business term, “the bottom-line”. It used to be the key indicator of an organization’s health and was all about money—making it, keeping it, growing it. Now, the winds of change are upon us and economic stability is no longer a sufficient marker of success, as there are other crucial factors that must become part of any smart business plan.
There are two other bottom lines emerging—both pertaining to accountability—which, for certain companies, have become as vital to their definition of success as profits:
Being socially responsible in how you do business. Respecting, honoring and doing right by longtime local residents and those who help make your vision a reality. Supporting the local community and its cultural heritage on both a day-to-day and long-term basis, in meaningful, sensitive, genuinely life-changing ways.
Making ecological stewardship an integral part of your professional credos. Using sustainable, green, renewable energy practices and materials whenever possible. Restoring the land beneath and around your enterprise in ways that are measurable and aligned with native flora and fauna. Living as lightly upon the land as possible.
The phrase “the triple bottom line” (TBL) was first used by John Elkington, the founder of a British consultancy called SustainAbility, back in the mid-nineties. The TBL aims to measure the financial, social and environmental performance of a corporation over a period of time. According to Elkington, only a company that produces a TBL is taking account of the full cost of doing business. Though the “profit-people-planet” model sounds smart and many economists consider it a must for the long-term success of any business, not many companies are putting the TBL triple-threat to work. This is especially true in the resort development industry.
Enter experienced resort real estate developer Contact Development Company (CDC) with their like minded investment partners, the Romo family, founders of renowned tequila producers, Casa Herradura, and intuitive, multi-vernacular tropical resort architect Mark de Reus, of de Reus Architects. Together they have not only explored the TBL principle, they’ve fully adopted it as their primary business philosophy in the rigorously forward-thinking, original, nuanced form of Punta Sayulita.